The Mission
The mission of Joplin First is "To Make NEW Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. " This mission encompasses both the Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission given to us by Jesus Christ.
The Vision
The vision of Joplin First is to build authentic relationships with our neighbors as positive role models in transforming the community we are called to serve. Who are our neighbors? EVERYONE.
What We Believe
Love God & Love Others
Each one of us is a hand-crafted child of God, created with unique and diverse gifts to be used for good. Jesus has given us the model for living, and this Christ-Centric life is one of love and inclusion. Our free-will acceptance of God's grace and our intentional faith development allows the Holy Spirit to transform our lives to the original image in which God intended.

We've been part of the fabric of the community that bears his name since the Reverend Harris G. Joplin, a Methodist circuit rider, made his way to the edge of the frontier back in the 1830’s and planted a congregation among the folks who had settled here.

We are focused on the mission of making new disciples of Jesus Christ and on helping disciples grow in their faith. We believe the message of the Gospel never changes, but we also recognize that the Holy Spirit speaks to different people in different ways. Like Jesus, we seek to meet people where they are, offering varied worship styles and discipleship opportunities. ALL are welcome here!

We are all about building authentic relationships - with one another and with Jesus. Our goal is to be instruments of God's love, planting the seeds of faith and nurturing its growth in the lives of our church family and our community. It's something we've done for over 150 years, and we don't plan to stop any time soon!